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Paige Gallery


Looking In

Looking In

(Oil on Panel, 24"x20") This self portrait is from behind, I focused on light source, glass, and the idea of having a painting within a painting. This painting was very experimental, and helped me to understand how it was I wanted to paint.

Salmon and Blue Light

Salmon and Blue Light

(Oil on Panel, 10"x8") I chose to create this still life of a salmon fillet, and placed a blue glass bottle create blue tone light source on part of the fish.

Copy of Manet's, "Bunch of Violets"

Copy of Manet's, "Bunch of Violets"

(Oil on Paper, 10"x8") This is a recration of Edouard Manet's, "Bunch of Violets." This painting was a part of my Level 1 painting course, which required us to closely study a famous artist's work.

Hydraingas and Wine

Hydraingas and Wine

(Oil on Panel, 18'' x 14'') This still life was inspired through my study of Manet's, "Bunch of Violets." In this painting I aimed to tackle things I had strayed away from, glass and metal. I was focusing on facing what was once considered, "obstacles," in my path. I actually discovered through this painting that I loved to paint glass, and that the shimmer of light, such as on the gold leafing of the book, was captivating to me.

Still Life Study

Still Life Study

(Oil on Panel, 8''x4'') The first piece of my Colour and Configuration Course. This still life aimed for a focus on colour.

Glass Pair

Glass Pair

(Oil on Masonite, 8''x10'') This painting is part of a pair set, that is intended to be displayed together. Sparked by my interest in glass I chose to photograph a glass dome, in which I aimed to make the object less recognizable, and focus more on the warping of light and colour.

Glass Pair

Glass Pair

(Oil on Masonite, 8''x10'') This painting is part of a pair set, that is intended to be displayed together. Sparked by my interest in glass I chose to photograph a glass dome, in which I aimed to make the object less recognizable, and focus more on the warping of light and colour.

Newport Bay

Newport Bay

(Oil on Board, 2''x5'') This landscape is of the Newport RI, bay at sunset. The painting was a part of an experiment in painting in a smaller scale. I chose the sunset for its rich colour and wide variety of textures.

Capri in Summer

Capri in Summer

(Oil on Board, 2''x5'') This painting is of the water by the Island of Capri in Italy, and near the Green Grotto. This painting was also a part of my experimentation in painting in a smaller scale. I chose to create this piece for its vibrancy of blues, and the opportunity to create rich mark making within my work.

Self Portrait on Easton

Self Portrait on Easton

(Oil on Masonite, 10"x8") This is a self-portrait done from Newport RI, Easton Beach, often referred to as 1st Beach by residents. I stopped by the water on a cold day in winter when I realized how windy it was, and noticed the choppiness of the water. I believed that the wind would allow me to capture my hair in a lively manner, and that the brewing storm would create an interesting lighting opportunity.

Figure Painting Study (Unfinished)

Figure Painting Study (Unfinished)

(Oil on Pane, 8"x8") This figure painting was a part of an in class study. During the time we had around 2 hours to paint a life model, while not just taking form into account, but the colour as well.

Figure Painting Study 3

Figure Painting Study 3

(Oil on Panel, 7''x 3'') This painting was also a part of the 2 hour Life Model sessions. I was focusing again on my interest in smaller scale painting. I find it fascinating that when looked upon closely the image seems to be a mash of marks, but when one takes a few steps back the image becomes almost life like at times.

Figure Painting Study 2

Figure Painting Study 2

(Oil on Panel, 8"x6") My second study of the form and colour, from early on in my painting studies. In this image I took less interest in form, and chose to take an extreme approach to colour, for experimentation's sake.


Gravity of Coming Undone

Gravity of Coming Undone

(Chalk on water coloured bristol, 30'' x 34'') This was mixed media piece was a part of my advanced drawing course in which I took time to experiment with different styles of drawing. In this image I focused on the topic of stress. Many people often refer to their stress as being something out of their hands, that they cannot hold onto. I chose to focus on this idea as falling and reaching for help. There is also a sense of losing control with stress, which I expressed as a "incomplete" piece.

The Coast of Whitby

The Coast of Whitby

(Mixed Media: Charcoal, Chalk, and Graphite on cardboard, 30"x30") This piece is a recreation of the coast of Whitby, England, where I had the pleasure of visiting. In this drawing I focused on the Sublime aspects of nature.

Old Tree

Old Tree

(Charcoal and Chalk on Gray Tone Paper, 28"x28") The subject was done for a contest in which the goal was to capture the old and beloved trees in Newport.

Blenheim Etch 1

Blenheim Etch 1

(Etching/monoprint on paper, 10"x12.5") Based in Oxford, UK's Blenheim Palace Gardens, I chose to create this piece through the process of etching. This print focused more on darker tones. This was in an attempt to better understand William Blake and Samuel Palmer's artwork.

Blenheim Etch 2

Blenheim Etch 2

(Etching/monoprint on paper, 10"x12.5") Based in Oxford, UK's Blenheim Palace Gardens, I chose to create this piece through the process of etching. This print focused more on lighter tones. This was in an attempt to better understand William Blake and Samuel Palmer's artwork.


Fu Dog

Fu Dog

(Ceramic with Iron Wash, soda fire, Height 8") Fu Dogs are commonly places outside Chinese palaces or places of worship. My goal was to focus on Trompe'l'oeil. This meant I was looking for my piece to imitate a material that it actually was not. In this case, the goal was to imitate bronze.

Tree Cup

Tree Cup

(Ceramic Red bronze wash, soda fire, Height 6") My goal was to focus on Trompe'l'oeil. This meant I was looking for my piece to imitate a material that it actually was not. In this case, the goal was to imitate the look and feel of wood.

The Unusable Tea Pot

The Unusable Tea Pot

(Ceramic, Soda fire, Height 6") My goal was to create a tea pot based off oriental and middle-eastern designs. The Tea Pot itself was designed to look as if it was old and worn. It is also unusable, as the lid is actually sealed on.

Cowboy Boot Cup

Cowboy Boot Cup

(Ceramic, Soda fire, use of bronze wash, height 9") For this piece I focused on combining unlikely items into a cup design that is seemingly unusable. Being from Texas I took my cowboy heritage into account, and went with a boot. The boot sits on a saucer that is made from two horse shoes which I used a bronze wash to create the imitation of iron.

Tin Cup

Tin Cup

(Ceramic, bronze wash, soda fire, height 6") (Ceramic with Iron Wash, Height 8in) My goal in this piece was to focus on Trompe'l'oeil. My goal was was to imitate the look of an old worn tin cup. I included screws on one side of the cup to help pass it off. I also took a wooden rod and beat one side of the cup to give it the look of dented metal.

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